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Prism Cloud Basics

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Prism Cloud is only available with eligible subscriptions and in specific regions.

What is Prism Cloud?

Prism Cloud is a web-based application that is fully integrated with the Prism desktop application, and allows you to publish, share, and discuss the work you're already doing in Prism with your colleagues. With Prism Cloud, you no longer need to export your graphs and layouts or insert them into presentations or other files. You no longer need to send multiple emails back and forth with your collaborators. And you no longer have to repeat this entire process each time you receive feedback.

With Prism Cloud, you simply publish your work to your online workspace, share your published work with others (even if they don't have Prism!), and have discussions to get feedback in real time. Then, you can make changes to your Prism file and update the published work. Others that you've shared the work with in Prism Cloud will see your changes immediately with no need to send a new round of emails.


How does Prism Cloud work?

Publish your work

From the Prism desktop application, choose to publish your work to a folder in your Prism Cloud workspace. Your Prism file stays on your computer, but your graphs and layouts are sent to the Prism Cloud web application.

View your work from anywhere

Log in to Prism Cloud from any web browser. View your own work or browse the work published by other members of your shared workspace.

Share your work

Invite others to your published work. The people you invite don't have to be members of your workspace or even have Prism! All that's required is that they have a account. If they don't already have an account, registering one is easy: you only need an email address (no credit card or Prism license required).

And don't worry; anyone you invite will only have access to the work that you share.

Get feedback in real time

Start discussions on your work to get feedback from your colleagues. Mention them in comments so that they get a notification. We'll notify you when they respond!

Updates without the wait

After you've made changes to your Prism file with feedback or new experimental data, you can simply choose to update the published work in Prism Cloud. Anyone you shared your work with will be able to see these updates immediately.


Is Prism Cloud available for everyone?

In order to use Prism Cloud, you need to be a member of a Prism Cloud workspace. Each Prism Cloud workspace is associated with a Prism subscription. Most Personal and Group subscriptions with less than 25 seats (subject to other restrictions) will have an associated workspace created automatically. If you have not received access to a Prism Cloud workspace through your Prism subscription, and would like to inquire about getting Prism Cloud, please contact us.

Note that perpetual Prism licenses are not eligible for Prism Cloud workspaces.


What is a Prism Cloud Workspace and what is it for?

A workspace is required to publish to Prism Cloud

A Prism Cloud workspace is a common, shared space for workspace members where they can publish their own work, browse work published by other workspace members, and have discussions on this published work. In order to publish to Prism Cloud, you must be a member of at least one workspace. If you aren't a workspace member of any workspace, you can still log into Prism Cloud, view published work that is shared with you, and participate in discussions within this shared work. However, without being a Prism Cloud workspace member you will not be able to publish your own work.

How are workspaces created?

Workspaces are created in association with Prism subscriptions. Following the Early Access program, workspaces will start being created for existing and newly purchased subscriptions. Each Prism subscription can have one - and only one - Prism Cloud workspace. Note that Prism Cloud workspaces are not available to Prism perpetual licenses (they are for subscriptions only).

How do I get access to a workspace so that I can publish my work?

The easiest way to get access to your subscription's workspace is to simply sign in to Prism Cloud from within the Prism desktop application. We will automatically check the subscription being used and add you to the appropriate workspace (if there is a seat available). If you cannot be added to a workspace automatically, you'll be shown an error message when signing in to Prism Cloud from the Prism desktop application. In these cases, the workspace owner or a workspace admin can add you as a member of the workspace manually from the workspace settings page in the web application.

How many members can a workspace have?

The number of seats for workspace members is determined by the size of the associated Prism subscription. For Prism personal subscriptions, the associated workspace will have one seat. For Prism group subscriptions, the exact number of seats in the associated workspace is equal to the number of subscription seats (activations) plus one (to account for a subscription admin that doesn't necessarily use Prism themselves).


How do I sign in to Prism Cloud?

All you need to sign in to Prism Cloud is a account (username and password). To sign in (or to create an account), simply launch Prism 9.5.0 or a newer version. Then click on the Prism Cloud button in the toolbar (it looks like this: Prism Cloud Logo) and click the "Sign In" button. This page contains all of the details.


How do I publish to Prism Cloud?

In order to publish to Prism Cloud, you have to meet two requirements:

1.You are signed in with your account on a valid copy of Prism 9.5.0 or newer

2.You are a member of at least one Prism Cloud workspace

If those two criteria are met, then all you have to do is open a Prism file with at least one graph or layout and click the Prism Cloud toolbar button (this one: Prism Cloud Logo) and choose which workspace and folder you want to publish to. A more detailed step-by-step walkthrough for publishing to Prism Cloud is also available.

Do I have to publish into a folder?

Yes. Every project published to Prism Cloud must be published into a folder. There are two types of folders available:

1.Your own Personal folder (that only you can see and publish to) and

2.Common workspace folders (that other members can browse and publish into as well)

What can I publish to Prism Cloud?

Currently only graph and layout sheets are included when a project is published to Prism Cloud.

Can I publish individual sheets instead of the entire project?

When a project is published, all of the appropriate sheets (currently only graph and layout sheets) are published. There is no way to publish an individual sheet to Prism Cloud. However, there are potential workarounds for this.


Can projects be moved to other folders?

Yes! When looking at a project tile within a folder, simply click on the three dot menu in the top right corner of the tile and select "Move". You can move projects out of your personal folder, between two common folders, or into your personal folder (as long as its yours!).


Who can see what I publish?

The answer to this depends on a few factors.

Is the project published in your personal folder or a common workspace folder?

By default, only you can see projects that are published into your personal folder. Even other members of your workspace can't just open your personal folder to see what's in there. On the other hand, you can publish to a common workspace folder to allow any other member of your workspace the ability to see the published work without having to be invited.

Have you shared the project with anyone else?

Once you've published your project, you can share it with others. Add the email address of the person you'd like to share your project with in the Share dialog, and we'll send them an invitation (it will also show up in their own shared with me folder). You can share your published projects with other members of your workspace or anyone else. Once a project is shared, the recipient will be able to see it, even if it's in your personal folder. If you decide later that you need to change who the project is shared with, you can always choose to revoke access to anyone that you previously shared your work with.





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